Sunday, February 14, 2016

Managing the Manager's Mind

Be creative! Be innovative! Assess your current processes and identify areas that need improvement! I also need you to manage the daily shipping, receiving, put away, order picking, cycle counting, rectify inventory discrepancies, do some inventory analysis, manage the department schedule, make some purchasing decisions, renegotiate the waste management company's contract, and manage general fleet maintenance. Got all that? Great, oh, don't forget to be creative!

The truth is, it is not easy to "think outside the box" when the box is full of stuff that demands your immediate attention. With so much on our plate "being creative" can be a little difficult to do but it is just as important as everything else. So what is a Professional Warehouse Manager to do?

There is some good news when it comes to being creative. First of all I want everyone to realize we can all do it. I know you may have heard this all before but we were all born with an imagination and that is the only tool you need to be creative.

Okay great, we all have the tools, now how, and when do we use them?

Lets address the how quickly. Remember being a child? My little ones play all the time in imaginative and creative ways. Sometimes I even ask my kiddos if they want to play warehouse and I'll give them a dulled down version of a problem I'm having just to see what kind of solution they come up with. Unlike mine, their imaginations have no limitations based on, industry experience, budgets, or even the laws of physics, so some answers are quite interesting.

The point is, is a child's imagination generates copious amounts of creativity. This does not mean I would hire a room full of children to do my creative thinking for me. Instead I try to approach each problem like a child would, with no limitations. I answer the problem as if there were no rules. Then slowly I add one rule at a time, which of course, helps my solution evolve into something that is feasible.

Here is another way of being creative when it comes to solving a problem. Try to envision the problem as being already solved. Then simply work backwards to reverse engineer the solution to the problem. I have found that sometimes working on a problem backwards can sometimes lead to some very inspiring ideas. This also gives you a different perspective of the problem at hand and that can help you innovate new solutions.

So now lets tackle the "when do I have time to be creative" question. This will vary from person to person but I can tell you that most of us have our great ideas when we are far away from work. Have you ever noticed your great ideas come when you are in the shower, driving, or just sitting quietly at home relaxing. The key ingredient in all those scenarios is you are in a relaxed environment with no interruptions, just you and your mind, thinking about whatever the problem at hand may be.  It is in this space, when your not feeling the pressure of being creative that you are the most creative. There is a lot of science behind this but I'm not qualified to get into that. I can however attest, that in these quiet moments, I have found myself to be in a sea of creativity. I have experienced a spark from a simple thought that then lead me to another. Before I knew it, I was ultra focused. The answer to my problem, or at least the beginning steps of the solution, seemed as clear as the light of day.

I don't want to over simplify here but I believe we must find the moments in our day to be alone with our thoughts if we wish to be creative. If you really don't have any time in your day then schedule some. Go for a walk or a drive on your lunch break once or twice a week. Getting out of the office or the warehouse will help you reset and clear your mind. Wake up a half an hour earlier or go to bed a half an hour later. I know we value our sleep. I have three little ones, a wife, and a full time job. I am tired at the end of my day so I prefer to start a little earlier in the day rather then waiting until later.

Try to you find just thirty minutes more of waking time Monday through Friday. That will equal an extra ten hours per month you have dedicated just to being creative. How much could you accomplish if you just focused your thoughts for ten uninterrupted hours?

I don't want to turn this into a fitness or nutrition blog but I would like to remind you all that a brain can not function  properly if the body is unhealthy. With that said, lets try to eat properly and remember to move around from time to time. This is also critical for creative thinking.

We must give ourselves the opportunity to be creative. Don't put restrictions on your thoughts. It may be a good idea to record your thoughts on paper or on a recording device. This is like leaving a book mark on your thought processes.

Follow the above tips and you will be amazed at what answers or new revolutionary processes are lying in the undisturbed portions of your own creative mind. Remember not to get frustrated if the creativity fairy doesn't come right away. Just like everything else in life, you get back what you put in.

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My name is Matt Austin. I am a Professional Warehouse Manager. I greatly enjoy all areas of warehouse process improvement, and sharing ideas. Please feel free to contact me with any warehouse situations you may be experiencing for some outside perspective. Thank you for reading!

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